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Education on LOHAS living

Environment Education 2018-01-04

1. Purpose: Foster a healthy environment via environmental education classes and campaigns promoting saving resources and extending our life expectancy

2. Goal: Educate 100,000 people by 2020

3. Programs

① Good Cleaning Class

Pulmuone offers “Good Cleaning Class” to help children get into the habit of being organized and cleaning up to live the LOHAS lifestyle since young. The class is a creative environmental education program in which children learn to care for their neighbors and the environment so that they would clean up after themselves and have fun while doing it. The Good Cleaning Class is for kindergarten and elementary school children residing in Seoul and metropolitan area, and it is conducted in partnership with Shine Impact, one of Seoul city’s social enterprises.


② Project WET, outreach class on water

Pulmuone consumes much water as a food company and operates bottled water business. As such, the company is working hard to increase the public’s awareness of the importance of water and the need for its conservation.

Pulmuone has been providing “Project WET(Water Education for Teachers)” classes for both parents and children. Project WET is an international water education program the US Water Education Foundation (WEF) launched in 1984. It involves a series of activities for development and implementation of a structured water education curriculum based on natural science for teachers and students between 5 to 18 years old. The classes consist of four programs called, “Blue Planet,”“Box of Life,”“Treasure in the Bucket, and “One Power,”and they emphasize not only educating the children but also fostering teachers for the education.

