모바일 메뉴 모바일 검색



Community Contribution

Social Contribution 2017-12-05

1. Purpose: Pulmuone's executives and employees join CSR activities to promote balanced growth in communities and contribute to healthy development of the society

2. Goal: ① 100% of the Pulmuone’s executives and employees participate in volunteering activities by 2020 ② 90% of the company’s executives and employees donate to Love our Neighbors Fund



LOHAS Designer Volunteer Corps

The LOHAS Designer Volunteer Corps was founded in July 2009 for Pulmuone executives and employees to have a systematic approach to volunteering activities. Under the name, “LOHAS Designer,” which refers to persons who help build sustainable health for our society and neighbors, over 3,000 executives and employees become LOHAS Designers at least once a year to participate in community outreach programs. The company adopted a system to acknowledge volunteering hours as working hours called, “Acknowledging Volunteering as Working,” to support all members be fully committed to volunteering eight hours annually.



In different parts of the regional society, LOHAS Designers get involved in diverse activities such as serving meals, cooking snacks for children, painting murals, planting trees, delivering briquettes, sharing kimchi, and experiencing the culture of multi-cultural families. Before the events begin, they have brief sessions to share the details of the day and also receive CSR trainings on precautions and appropriate mindset of volunteers. Furthermore, LOHAS Designer functions as a channel to communicate with local people to understand their needs.    



Love our Neighbors Fund Campaign


Pulmuone executives and employees donate a portion of their monthly salaries to “Love our Neighbor Fund“ out of their love for the neighbors. The fund is used to provide financial assistance to Pulmuone Foundation’s CSR projects, promoting a balanced-development of the communities we live in.

In addition, 0.1% of sales from Pulmuone brands accumulated in the “Love for Earth Fund” are donated to the Pulmuone Foundation every year to ensure smooth operation of the foundation’s projects.



Kimchi School with Museum Kimchikan


Pulmuone established the Pulmuone Kimchi Museum in 1986 with the purpose of developing and passing down the traditional culinary culture to future generations. The museum increased awareness on Korea’s representative dish, kimchi, and kimjang (kimchi-making) culture, and provided opportunities for both Koreans and foreigners to experience them. On April 21, 2015, the museum was reborn as “Museum Kimchikan” in Insa-dong, Jongno-gu, which is a well-known cultural hotspot in Seoul. As a second generation museum, it offers visitors digital exhibitions with modern interpretations and various hands-on activities. One of the main programs is “Kimchi School,” which targets children, multi-cultural families, and foreigners. The program infused with tasting education and cooking experiences allows participants to easily understand and enjoy learning about kimchi and kimjang culture.

