모바일 메뉴 모바일 검색



Compliance, Whistleblowing System and Reporting Channels

Risk Management 2023-08-02

Compliance, Whistleblowing System and Reporting Channels


Pulmuone strive for compliance management and operate an internal reporting channel. As a means of practicing TISO management, our internal reporting system allows us to receive reports of violations from internal and external stakeholders via phone, mail, website, and intranet. We conduct thorough investigation based on the reports under the TISO regulations and take strict disciplinary actions against violators.


For details, refer to 2022 Pulmuone Integrated Report (p.89, 92~93)


[Compliance report]


[Environmental Legal and Regulatory Violations1)]


[Social and Economic Legal and Regulatory Violations]


[Human Rights Breaches]

[Violations of Information Security]